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2020-12-22 17:02:48
半侧巨脑症:临床意义和外科治疗 (Hemimegalencephaly: clinical implications and surgical treatment) 英文简介: Introduction Hemimegalencephaly (HME) is a quite rare malformation of the cortical development arising from...
听神经瘤 切除术后的听力恢复:急诊手术的意义 Hearing restoration after resection of an intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma: a role for emergency surgery?(听神经瘤切除术后的听力恢复:急诊手术的意义...
高危脑动静脉畸形 动脉瘤的栓塞治疗:病例对照研究 (0Targeted Embolization of Aneurysms Associated With Brain Arteriovenous Malformations at High Risk for Surgical Resection: A CaseControl Study) 英文简介: BACK...
髓母细胞瘤亚群的临床意义:脑脊液分流手术的发生率 (Clinical implications of medulloblastoma subgroups:incidence of CSF diversion surgery) 英文简介: Object While medulloblastoma was initially thought to compris...
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Medically Refractory Tourette Syndrome(深部脑刺激对难治性抽动秽语综合征患者局部脑血流的影响) In this study, alterations in brain...
Pediatric epilepsy surgery:Toward increased utilization and reduced invasiveness( 小儿癫痫手术 :致力于提高利用率并减少入侵) 英文摘要: Approximately 25% to 35% of patients with epilepsy continue to have seizu...
帕金森 病患者丘脑下核深部电刺激诱发的病理性哭泣 (Pathological crying induced by deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinsons disease) 英文简介: We report on a patient with deep brain stimu...
Endoscopic Treatment of Arachnoid Cysts: A Detailed Account of Surgical Techniques and Results(蛛网膜囊肿神经内镜治疗:手术技术和结果详细说明) 英文摘要: BACKGROUND Surgical treatment of arachnoid cysts remai...
Treatment of Fourth Ventricle Arachnoid Cyst via Anterior Hone of Lateral Ventricle Using Flexible Endoscope 柔性内镜下经侧脑室前角的四脑室蛛网膜囊肿手术治疗 论文英文摘要: Background:Arachnoid cysts are...
INC 国际神经外科医生集团旗下国际神经外科顾问团成员、美国巴罗神经学研究所主席兼CEO、美国神经外科学会前主席 Michael Lawton教授 目前有7000多个病例,其中包括4000多个 脑动脉瘤患...
链接/Links: 北京天坛医院 | 苏州大学附属儿童医院 | 无锡市第二人民医院 | 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院 | 脑瘤分类 | 苏州大学附属第四医院(苏州市独墅湖医院) | 胶质瘤 | 神外百科 |